Mana Wāhine

Mana Wāhine aims to contribute to the improvement of the health and wellbeing of our wāhine and their whānau, hapū and iwi. With a focus on “Wāhine Ora” Tiaki te Whare Tāngata (Cervical Screening) me Tiakina o Ū (Breast Screening).

  • Providing information on Breast or Cervical screening & Colposcopy
  • Provide transport to Breast screening, assessment or treatment and
  • Cervical Screening & Colposcopy appointments
  • Assistance to enroll or make appointments
  • Provide a positive experience
  • Provide a female smeartaker
  • Provide full and confidential support

Kaimahi can talk with you about your situation and together work out solutions to attend appointments.

Mā wai tēnei ratonga? Who can access this service?

You can use this service if your whānau are:

  • 20-69 years and Māori, Pacific Island or Asian
  • 30-69 years and never had a Cervical screening, or are overdue for a one
  • 45-69 years and never had a Breast screening, or are overdue for one

Whakapā mai- Who to contact for more information

Either phone (04) 9027095, Cellphone Wendy (027) 278 3900
Come and see us at Hora Te Pai Health Services
Complete the contact form to have someone call you back
Click Here to make a referral to one of our services

Wendy Smith

Ph (04) 902 7095
Cell (027) 278 3900