Hora Te Pai Health Services Charitable Trust is a kaupapa Māori health provider, responsible for primary health care provision to over 2,500 individuals and whānau residing between Paekakariki to Peka Peka. The Board is seeking nominations for three trustees including a Financial Trustee and a Clinical Trustee. Trustees will need to demonstrate experience in finance, employment, expertise in social/health sector/clinical practice, and who draw on mātauranga Māori in their approach to governance. Three of our trustees have completed their first term and are available for re-election.
Nomination forms and information sheet are in the links below for your perusal. Please feel free to share this with your relevant networks.
These can also be downloaded HERE or by requesting copies from Anthea Napier, Board Secretary at [email protected] or telephone 021 0211 2727.
Please forward the signed nomination forms and resume to Hora Te Pai Trustee, P O Box 54, Ōtaki 5512 marked “CONFIDENTIAL PAPERS”.