Practice Operations under Level 2 and 3:
Delta Level restrictions means a different way of operating in practice. For the health and safety of all our whaiora we ask the following:
– Under Level 2, we are able to continue booking for standard Doctor appointments. Please note, time and availability may be limited as clinical staff are restricted to respiratory and non respiratory area to minimize the risk of infection.
– All whaiora must wear masks when in clinic and sanitize before entering.
– Social distancing rules apply. Please note, this will impact seating arrangements inside our whare waiting area.
– If you are experiencing any respiratory symptoms such as runny nose, cold or flu, OR have visited any places of interest listed under Covid tracing, please remain in your car and phone the clinic reception to be checked in. You will be seen in a separate respiratory cabin.
– If you have a pre-booked appointment and develop symptoms beforehand, please contact our reception on 04 902 7095